- Published:
- 2024-04-27.
- Last updated:
- 2024-07-08. Added versions to rec list and fixed dead links.
Shareable posts: Twitter, Tumblr.

I made this care package because I often hear the complaint that there isn’t any top Vash/bottom Wolfwood art in this fandom, and find myself confused because I don’t have trouble finding it despite never intentionally seeking it out (except to write this page).
There isn’t the same level of content for Vash x Wolfwood as, say, the current juggernaut ships for the most popular shounen anime, but there’s still plenty of art out there (including a backlog of 20+ years) and more made every day!
In the first part, I’ll give a few tips on how to use Asian ship names and key terms to find art and artists for the dynamic you want. Then, I’ll recommend some artists and works that I hope you’ll enjoy. However, keep in mind that since VW is not my preference and there are themes that sometimes appear alongside it which I avoid entirely, my selection will be limited. I encourage you to use these recommendations as a starting point in your own search for artists and work that fit your interests.
I’m also assuming that you’re looking for sexual/NSFW/R18 art, so I’ll be focusing on that, though many of the same artists also draw SFW art and many of the same tips described can be used to find more.
If you want to skip straight to the recommendations, click here (though I highly recommend you read the first part too).
First things first: learning to find what we want
This is just my conjecture, but…
I suspect the reason why so many people feel they can’t find top Vash and/or bottom Wolfwood art is because everything in the Western fandom is lumped into the same ship tag, without a tagging system that allows one or the other to be easily categorized. Even when there is an option, such as additional tags on Tumblr or AO3, some fans adamantly refuse to tag sexual dynamics out of a (to me) weird moral code.
The problem with this is that even a slight imbalance in popularity makes it so you have to sift through a lot of the more popular dynamic in order to find the less represented one. If you want to quickly find works from the less popular one—tough luck.
So, many Western fans simply follow people and hope that the algorithm will deliver them the content they like, then are frustrated when it inevitably doesn't.
Searching the keywords “bottom Wolfwood” on Twitter doesn't help much because the results are taken up by random tweets from people who have “bottom Wolfwood” on their display name. I also don't follow many people from Western fandom who focus on VW, so I can't help on that front. Sorry! You probably know them better than I do.
Fortunately, East Asian fans are very good at tagging ship dynamics! So searching the Japanese/Chinese/Korean ship tags is a very effective way to find art and artists for the thing you like.
In East Asian fandom, ship names are written with the name of the top on the left, and the name of the bottom on the right. “Left” and “right” are even used as synonyms for top and bottom, respectively. The notation can look like this:
A x B or A/B or AB
where A is the top's name/initial/first part of their name, and B is the bottom's name/initial/first part of their name.
Repeating ship names (ABA or BAB) means that top and bottom roles are not fixed or not specified/not easily determined. For many fans, ABA means that there is a preference for AB, while BAB indicates a preference for BA, but for others there is no difference between those notations.
Thus: Vash x Wolfwood, vashwolf, vashwood, or VW means Vash is top and Wolfwood is bottom. “Wolfwood on the right” means Wolfwood on the bottom.
Vash x Wolfwood x Vash, or VWV, means that they switch or there is no set top/bottom (but may indicate a preference for/leaning towards VW).
This causes confusion because Western fandom uses "VW" and "vashwood" as the default ship name regardless of dynamic, but in Eastern fandom, VW is the international ship shorthand for top Vash x bottom Wolfwood—as opposed to ship names in other scripts, which are language-specific!
VW is also the tag used for Volkswagen content, so searching for just “VW” is not super helpful.
Searching “VW Trigun”, “VW vashwood”, “VW nsfw” or “VW R18” yields much better results, but due to Western fans' use of VW and vashwood for everything (and some people posting nsfw in the Volkswagen tag??), it's not foolproof.
Most reliable are the kanji/hanzi (Japanese/Chinese) and hangul (Korean) ship names, which are not used for anything else and are often chosen and curated for searchability.
Vash x Wolfwood ship names
On some specialized websites (such as doujinshi marketplaces like Toranoana) the ship is written in full like so:- ヴァッシュxウルフウッド (vasshu x urufu'uddo) in Japanese.
- 밧슈x울프우드 (bassyu x ulpeuudeu) in Korean.
I have limited experience in Chinese-speaking fandoms, but from what I could see, fans tend to write the characters' names in english.
On social media, abbreviated forms are more common:
- 台牧 (taiboku) = manga or 98 anime VW. 台 comes from 台風 (taifuu, typhoon), and 牧 comes from 牧師 (bokushi, pastor).
- 台葬 (taisou) = Stampede VW. 葬 comes from 葬儀屋 (sougiya, undertaker).
- 밧울 (basul) or 밧슈울프 (bassyu ulpeu) = VW (all versions). Korean pronunciation of “vashwolf”.
- アニ台牧 (ani taiboku) = specifically 98 anime VW, less used. アニ comes from アニメ (anime).
- エリ牧 (eriboku) = manga or 98 anime Eriks x Wolfwood, less used.
Use these for keyword or hashtag search on Twitter, Tumblr, Bluesky, etc. On Bluesky, use the hashtag search because searching only for the kanji/hanzi/hangul as keywords yields results for the wrong order too.
Keep in mind that these tags are used for non-sexual art too, so you will probably find SFW results in your search. You can try adding the keywords “R18” or “NSFW” to your search to filter out SFW results, but that will probably also filter out sexual art that wasn't labeled with those terms.
[EDIT] As most of those reading this who are in Twitter anime fandom are probably already aware, many East Asian artists use buffer websites such as Privatter or Poipiku to post R18 art. In May of this year (2024), Poipiku added a new step you have to take in order to view R18 posts. If you're unable to see the "show" button or the password field, click the square button on the top-right of the page that reads "All-age", then click "Yes" on the pop-up to confirm that you're over 18. The button on the top-right should have changed to "ADULTS".I will write a blog post in the near future explaining why East Asian fans also specify ship name order for non-sexual art, but TL;DR: it's because ship name order in BL actually indicates seme/uke roles, which are as much about roles in the narrative of the story as they are about sexual dynamics.
On Pixiv, VW artwork is under the 台牧 and 台葬 tags. You need to be logged into a Pixiv account in order to view R18 artworks.
It's not a huge problem for this fandom, but in the Pixiv search settings, make sure to hide AI generated results if you don't want to see that.
[EDIT] Pixiv has announced that, starting on 2024-04-25, they will be restricting the content that users from the US and UK can view and post, in order to comply with local obscenity laws. If your Pixiv account region is set to the US or UK, this will probably limit your ability to view R18 content. You can follow these steps to change your account region to another country in order to access this content again. I recommend setting it to Japan.If you want to, you can also buy VW doujinshi! You can buy doujinshi from Japan on Toranoana. To get it shipped overseas, you can use a proxy service such as AOCS. Options for buying doujinshi from Korea are more limited, but many Korean artists offer digital versions for purchase on Postype.
Other top Vash and bottom Wolfwood ships
- VK | 台刀 | 밧나 | 밧슈나이 = Vash x Knives.
- VM | ヴァメリ | 밧메 | 밧슈메릴 = Vash x Meryl.
- LW | リヴィ牧 | リヴィ葬 | 리비울 = Livio x Wolfwood.
- KW | 刀牧 | 刀葬 | 나이울 = Knives x Wolfwood. Couldn't find much in the Korean tag for this one, but the Japanese tags have R18 art.
- ザジ葬 = Zazie x Wolfwood. This one is specifically for the Stampede version.
- レガ葬 = Legato x Wolfwood. Same as above.
- チャペ牧 | チャペ葬 | チャペニコ = Chapel x Wolfwood. Usually involving young/teenage Wolfwood.
- モブ牧 | モブ葬 = “mob” x Wolfwood. "Mob" is the Japanese term for nameless/background characters. Not necessarily multiple characters/gangbang, but can be.
These are all the ones I at least remember seeing art for. If you need help finding a specific ship, send me a message and I'll try to help as best as I can.
Vash dick
Another complaint I see sometimes is that there is too much Vash pussy and not enough Vash dick.This one bugs me a little on a personal level, because for the almost 30 years that a Trigun fandom has existed, it was almost exclusively Vash dick… the popularization of Vash pussy is a very recent phenomenon.
But if you're craving Vash with a penis, you're in luck, because that is what almost every East Asian Trigun fanartist draws, even ones that draw exclusively bottom Vash! Pretty much all of the recommended artists below will be drawing that. Boypussy and trans interpretations just haven't caught on over there to the same level yet.
In Japanese, art of male characters with a pussy are almost always tagged カントボーイ (cuntboy) or カント (cunt) / C-boy for short.
More tips
Once you find an artist who draws the things you like, an easy way to find more art is to look at the people they follow and retweet/repost/share! This is especially effective if you do this for accounts that focus only on that particular ship/are fixed for that particular dynamic.Fanartists will often have their current fandoms and ships in their profile description/bio. Other key words and signs to look for are:
- 右 | 른 | ➡️ = right. Indicates which character is the preferred bottom. For example: W右 or 울프른 means they prefer Wolfwood on the bottom.
- 左 | 왼 | ⬅️ = left. Indicates which character is the preferred top. Not super common; more often the preferred bottom is displayed on profiles.
- 左右非固定 | リバ (riba) | 🔄 = all of these mean the user is not a fixed shipper/switching is OK.
- As explained before, repeating ship names in the format ABA also means they are OK with switching. For example: VWV | 台牧台.
- 左右固定 | 좌우고정 | 고정 | 🔄❌ | リバ❌ = all of these mean they are a fixed shipper, no switching.
- Sometimes, fixed shippers will mute or block accounts that post the reverse dynamic in order to avoid seeing stuff they dislike. This practice is known as “self defense”, and no harm or offense is meant by it.
- カップリング (kappuringu) | カプ (kapu) | CP = coupling. Means the same as pairing or ship.
- 女体化 (nyotaika) or 女体 | にょた | 뇨타 (nyota) = M→F genderbend, a.k.a. Rule 63. For M/M pairings, most often it's either just the bottom or both top and bottom who are turned into women, but occasionally it's only the top (example: banne_pun's LW art in the next section).
- 盟友 (meiyuu) = “sworn friends”, “allies”, etc. Label used for works that focus on Vash and Wolfwood, both platonic and romantic/sexual, and sometimes used as a ship name with no implied top/bottom roles. Comes from the title of Trigun Maximum v.10 ch.2.
- The equivalent for Vash and Knives is 双子 (futago), meaning “twins”.
Ships are also sometimes written by representing the characters with emojis.
- Common ones for Vash are: 🌪️🍩🔫
- Common ones for Wolfwood are: 🐺🚬🕶️✝️⛪
- Common one for Knives: 🔪 (lol)
- Common one to represent both plant twins: 🌱
Artist Recommendations
Like I said at the beginning, my selection is limited because this is not my area, so use these recommendations as a starting point to find artists and works that suit your interests!Note: some of these links contain potentially triggering content. I tried to provide brief descriptions of what you can find on each artists' pages, but do not take that as comprehensive content warnings.
Vash x Wolfwood focus
- { turtleneckandt } If you like VW and are not following Tee, what are you doing. One of the most sublime, elegant, flowy artstyles I've ever seen, and sexy VW art.
- { OS51188759 } makes so much cool, beautiful, expressive art of pretty much all Trigun characters!
- In terms of R18, I think they've only drawn manga VW, which you can find on their Poipiku.
- All of their comics are really good so I won't list them all out here, just follow the link above and click through.
- { ninecat6820 } VW and VV, this artist draws adorable chibi-style doodles with some R18 ones among them
- They also have another account where they post WV art in the same style { catnine6820 }
- { signos_2nd } draws only manga VW. They have such a unique, bold style and super creative ideas, including a series where Vash and Wolfwood are reincarnated in the modern world and meet as tourist and local at a remote island.
- [R18] manga VW, centaur Vash x human Wolfwood. Vash has a huge horse cock.
- [R18] manga VW, remote island series.
- [suggestive] series where Wolfwood is a wolf and Vash is a house-creature (??)
- [R18] misc manga VW R18 art on their Pixiv.
- { shinachikuboom } I love their style and how they draw VW with very built Wolfwood.
- { HazamaSyou } draws a lot of VW, Wolfwood with huge tits, and BDSM elements.
- [R18] manga VW, sex standing up.
- [R18] manga Wolfwood in pet play gear, with tail butt plug and dog-tag sound.
- [R18] manga VW, Wolfwood in wedding-themed lingerie.
- [R18] manga VW, Wolfwood with nipple piercings, sound, anal beads, and used condoms.
- [R18] Stampede VW, fingering.
- [R18] Stampede W x manga W.
- { pirarockk } VW. Their art is just really cute... many sweet and sexy domestic scenes.
- { ekkk_vw } VW, cute and sexy art.
- { not_yyprsp } VW. Their sfw art is super popular but not nearly as many people are following their nsfw account!
- { maitake_5th } VW, beautiful detailed art. I don't believe they post anything explicit on social media but you can buy their R18 Stampede VW doujinshi on Toranoana!
- [suggestive] Stampede VW.
- [suggestive] Stampede VW.
- { aulauly7 } draws very cute VW, with a focus on their 98 versions. They have a NSFW account, but also post explicit art on this account.
- [R18] 98 VW sex.
- [R18] Stampede VW, Wolfwood riding Vash.
- [suggestive] Stampede VW, Wolfwood wrapped in Vash's vines.
- [suggestive] 98 VW.
- [suggestive] fox 98 Wolfwood in bondage.
- [suggestive] 98 VW.
- { ONTRIGUN } draws mainly VW and has a great eye for lighting and expression. I find their Vash especially cute.
- { black31116cjp6 } VW and KWV.
- [suggestive] Stampede Wolfwood kidnapped and bound.
- [R18] Stampede VW.
- [R18] Stampede VW, nekomimi Wolfwood.
- [R18] Stampede VW, sex in various poses, marathon sex + fucked to sleep.
- [suggestive] Stampede VW with very buff Vash.
- { pairjujuuuu } VW and some LW.
- [R18] Stampede VW comic, wolf Wolfwood, Vash's plant tentacles.
- [suggestive] VW, 4 Vashes gang up on Stampede Wolfwood. Nipple play, biting.
- { coti_sakaguti } VW, very pretty sketchy art style. Frequent suggestive art and Wolfwood nyota.
- { mukaaaai } VW, bottom Wolfwood and KL.
- [R18] Stampede VW, big dick Vash doing the shampoo bottle challenge.
- [R18] manga VW, priest Wolfwood church sex.
- [R18] manga VW doujinshi (preview on Pixiv).
- [R18] more VW doujinshi: manga VW teach Stampede teen VW how to have sex; Stampede VW trapped in a room until they have sex (preview on Pixiv).
- { st_asjm } has a whole lot of R18 VW art and doujinshi previews on their Pixiv.
- { ryu_fukutu } VW, draws some Wolfwood nyota.
- { kota_tsuu } VW, cute art style.
- { Ms_Kal } VW, R18 comics on their Poipiku.
- [R18] Stampede W x manga W, tit fucking. ※ direct Poipiku link.
- [R18] manga W x 98 W x Stampede W threesome. ※ direct Poipiku link.
- [R18] manga VW, Wolfwood fingers himself and sucks off Vash while Vash is asleep. ※ direct Poipiku link.
- [R18] manga VW, mob x Wolfwood, rope bondage at a bar. ※ direct Poipiku link.
- [R18] manga VW, big dick Wolfwood. ※ direct Poipiku link.
- [R18] manga VW, Vash's feathers come out during sex.
- [R18] Stampede VW doujinshi preview on Pixiv and Poipiku + mail order link.
- [R18] manga VW.
- [R18] manga VW.
- [R18] manga VW, Wolfwood full of bruises and bite marks.
- [R18] manga VW, kemonomimi Wolfwood (wolf ears and tail).
- [R18] manga VW, Wolfwood in lingerie, collar, and leash.
- [R18] manga VW, Wolfwood bound and gagged riding Vash.
- [suggestive] 98 VW.
- [suggestive] manga VW.
- [suggestive] manga or 98 VW.
- [suggestive] drunk manga VW.
- [suggestive] manga VW.
Other top Vash or bottom Wolfwood ship focus
- { oversized_frog } focuses on VK and bottom Knives in general, but has also on occasion drawn WK, WVW, LKL, among others. I followed them before Stampede came out and it was them who tipped me off that it was a brocon fest (HAHA!) before I had even committed myself to watching it! Their art is very expressive.
- { peachglumpear } draws and writes VK (in english). One of the most unique and charming painterly watercolor/storybook art styles I've ever seen.
- [R18] college AU VK, trans Knives (adults but drawn in a chibi style).
- [suggestive] Stampede VK, chubby Vash x teen Nai.
- [suggestive] 98 VK.
- { rampal_pic } draws a mix of LW, VW, KW, and other bottom Wolfwood ships, as well as other fandoms. Great gestures, imagery, and lots of Wolfwood suffering.
- { banne_pun } makes mostly Livio x Wolfwood but also some VW. I love their style; it's really soft, beautiful, and evocative, and they draw wonderful dreamy scenes. For R18, they mostly draw LW, often with Wolfwood as powerbottom.
- { zatta_draw } draws VW, Vash x Vash, Chapel x Wolfwood, Wolfwood x Wolfwood, and mob x Wolfwood.
- { BurntGoldfish } LW and mob x Wolfwood focus, lots of noncon, shotacon, and other dark content. Lots of R18 art on their Poipiku.
Switch/Mixed Zone
- { Lafarge_Iash } leans slightly WV but draws R18 of both dynamics. Draws comics in their Trigun x BBB series and other miscellaneous.
- { adaydream3304 } draws VW and WV (but mostly VW) in a lovely sketchy style.
- { maoshou2 } Livio + Razlo focused artist but also draws bottom Wolfwood and bottom Vash. Absolutely love their style and dynamic linework. Ships include LR/RL, LW, KW, KV, mob x Vash, Chapel x Razlo, among others. Bottom character sometimes drawn with a pussy.
- { benmu_2333 } VW, Wolfwood x Wolfwood, Vash x Meryl, Wolfwood x Meryl, Meryl x Wolfwood, Chapel x Wolfwood. Some shotacon.
- { carymono } draws both VW and WV (tagged #vashwood and #woodvash respectively), and plenty of more niche kinks.
- [R18] Stampede VW, Wolfwood laying eggs.
- [R18] Stampede Wolfwood in a nun outfit and cock cage.
- [R18] Wolfwood having his nipples and cock pumped/milked.
- [R18] Stampede VW animation loop.
- [R18] 98 VW, octopus mer Vash x merman Wolfwood.
- [R18] Stampede VW, Vash photographs Wolfwood post-creampie (implied for blackmail purposes).
- …and many, many more.
- { _inthepool } draws VW, KV, and Legato x Wolfwood. Also draws Vash with facial hair.
- [R18] Stampede VW comic, first time.
- { 10otsuRi } a.k.a. AOYAMA. Draws both VW and WV. I find their art so beautiful and emotional.
- { inckice } focuses on VW for Stampede and WV for Maximum, which is a cool combination in my opinion!
That's all! I will probably not update this list in the future, so I apologize if by the time you're reading it, it's out of date or there are dead links.
If you have any questions or need help, feel free to message me on Tumblr, on Twitter, or on my Neocities profile.